(Japan) 17 th February | 2025 | Monday | 9:33:34 AM || (Nepal) 6:18:34 AM

Dashain is symbolizes of Victory of good over evil.

Grishma Poudyal   POSTED ON : Sunday, 22 October, 2023 | Views : 2246

Dashain is symbolizes of Victory of good over evil.

According to the early days there was a big fight between Nepal’s king and Demons. And it was last for ten days, after all the King won the war and Dashain started celebrating to showed the happiness of Nepalese people around the world and specially Hindu tribe of it, as a celebration. 

During this festival of 15 days, school colleges and universities are closed. But govt. offices are closed for one week. 

This festival take place in the month of mid September to mid October in the lunar calendar of Nepalese Vikram Shamwat. 

Although this festival is celebrated for 15 days, everyday of it has specific meaning. Among them. 

1st day, this is called Ghatasthapana. We put Jamara, the Holi barley seeds to become tender, yellowish-green leaves in our homes. 

On the 7th day which is called Fulpati, the Holi leaves and flowers are brought to the Goddess Durga’s temple (Kumari- Ghar) in Kathmandu from old Gorkha Palace of western Nepal. 

Which was famous as King Prithvi Narayan Shah’s resident in Gorkha, many years before. 

On the 8th Day, which is called ‘ Maha Asthami ’ the people of Nepal give sacrifices of different animal to Goddess Durga’s temple, even she do not accept actually, nobody knows. 

On the 9th Day, which is called Maha Nawami, Nepalese people pay visits to different temples of Goddess of power to get blessing from Mother Durga the divine Power. 

And they worship their vehicles too, as belief of their vehicles carries them safely for the whole year, if they worship on this day. 

On the 10th Day, Vijaya Dashami, the main special day of this celebration, all the family members and close relatives gather each other’s house and put  ‘Red Tika’ and jamara on their forehead as a blessings of Mata Durga the super divine power. 

After ‘Tika’ they eat different delicious food  specially made for this occasion, play swings, gamble and play cards, fly kites and just relax and become happy for many days. 

Nepalese people exchange the greetings saying “Happy Dashain” or “Happy Vijaya Dashami” to each other on this auspicious occasion of of Dashain like a new Year here in Japan. Children get gifts of money while getting Tika and Jamara as blessing from elders to younger of the family. 

To wel-come this festival, Nepalese People buy new dresses for all family members, they color their houses, specially cleaned their houses. Washed all the dirty clothes for this occasion only. 

And at the 15th day they all worship the goddess Durga once again and close the festival thankfully, as Kojagrat Purnima. 

Grishma Poudyal 

Tokyo Japan 
